815 - Flexible

Is there ever a situation in which rigidity would be better than flexibility?

Even in the case of moral action or response, being flexible is a better default posture. Things that won’t bend will almost always break, and it is better to be bent than broken.

And if your posture is unbendable, and does not break, it’s a good bet you’ll break something else, or someone else, instead.

On the other hand, too much flexibility isn’t flexibility at all — it is structureless, like a body without bones, or support beams made of rubber.

The right amount of flex is a constantly shifting value, which is why most people default to a posture that is either rigid or rubber. In both cases, the complexity is reduced to zero.

Whenever someone asks, “How much should we bend?”, rigid responds “not at all,” and is comforted by the beguiling simplicity. Rubber, fearing any opposition at all, refuses to even answer the question.

Don’t be lazy, and don’t be afraid. Figure out what’s right, and flex.